What is the best way to implement a table using JavaScript?

I am struggling to add a table to my HTML document dynamically using JavaScript.

Despite trying various methods like appendChild and insertBefore, I have not been successful.

Below is the snippet of my JavaScript code:

//JavaScript code here...

Here is the structure of my HTML:

<div class="tabs" id="tabs1">
  <!-- Table structure here... -->

// Additional HTML code for the table...

I want to insert the dynamically created table in my div with the ID "tabs1", specifically within the tbody element. However, it always appears after the tbody.

The issue seems to be that despite creating a separate div for the JavaScript content, it does not get appended inside it. My goal is to ensure the JavaScript-generated table goes into the designated div with the ID "tabs1".

Answer №1

It is not possible to include a <div> within a table body, therefore it must be placed outside along with your inserts. By modifying the code as follows:

var element = document.getElementById("tabs1")[0];


var element = document.getElementById("tbody");

it appears to function correctly to some extent. View for reference: https://jsfiddle.net/KIKO_Software/kqr48uxj/4/

The new rows are now successfully added to the table body.

Answer №2

A range of concerns...

It's not permissible to include a <div> inside a <tbody> element according to the rules of HTML, so my suggestion would be to eliminate the <div>. Additionally, keep in mind that it is possible to have multiple <tbody> tags within a single <table>, allowing you to separate them into different sections with distinct id attributes.

The method call of document.getElementById("tabs1") will retrieve a single object, not an array - hence there is no need for adding [0] at the end.

var element = document.getElementById("tabs1");

Lastly, your for loop goes from 0 to 99 but the data available only spans from 0 to 1 (or 0 to 7 based on the commented out data)... and since you are attempting to access utilisateur[i], if the value of i surpasses the total number of items in the array, an error message will be displayed in the developer console. Thus, make sure to check if there are adequate items in utilisateur.length.

if (i < utilisateur.length) {
  cell0.innerText = utilisateur[i].id;
  cell1.innerText = utilisateur[i].checked

var utilisateur = [
    id: 51,
    checked: false,
    prenom: "Dolores",
    date: "Fermière",
    examen: "host",
    note: "<a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="3344441d575c5f5c41564073545e525a5f1d505c5e">[email protected]</a>"
    id: 52,
    checked: true,
    prenom: "Bernard",
    date: "Robopsycologue",
    examen: "human",
    note: "<a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="b9cece97dbdccbd7d8cbddf9ded4d8d0d597dad6d4">[email protected]</a>"

for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
  var row = document.createElement("tr");
  var cell0 = document.createElement("td");
  var cell1 = document.createElement("td");

  var atr = document.createAttribute("class");
  atr.value = "bs-checkbox";
  var para = document.createElement("input");
  var para1 = document.createAttribute("data-index");
  var para2 = document.createAttribute("name");
  var para3 = document.createAttribute("type");
  para1.value = "0";
  para2.value = "btSelectItem";
  para3.value = "checkbox";

  //Repeated lines are shown above

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<table id="table" class="table"
        <th id="0" style="visibility: hidden; display: none;"></th>
        <th data-field="state" data-checkbox="true"></th>
        <th data-field="prenom" data-filter-control="input" data-sortable="true">Prénom</th>
        <th data-field="date" data-filter-control="select" data-sortable="true">Date</th>
        <th data-field="examen" data-filter-control="select" data-sortable="true">Examen</th>
        <th data-field="note" data-sortable="true">Note</th>
  <tbody id="tbody">
        <td id="1" style="visibility: hidden; display: none;"></td>
        <td class="bs-checkbox ">      <input data-index="0" name="btSelectItem" type="checkbox">      </td>

Answer №3

If you're looking for a simple solution, consider utilizing ES6 string interpolation.

Let's say we have an array of objects:

employees: [
    name: 'John Doe',
    phone: '00000000',
   name: 'George Daniels',
   phone: '11111111',

Now, imagine we also have an HTML table object.

To append rows dynamically, you can follow this pattern:

for (let employee of employees) {
    let row = document.createElement("tr");
    row.innerHTML = `<td>${employee.name}</td>

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