What is the best way to horizontally align Bulma's level items on smaller screens?

My website's footer features a level layout with left and right sections that follow the guidelines provided in theBulma docs. Everything looks good on larger screens.

However, on smaller screens, all items in the right section are stacked vertically, when I actually want them to be aligned horizontally and centered, just like shown in the image below.

Check out this example for reference:


Answer №1

Consider these two alternatives.

Choice 1

Apply the .is-mobile modifier to .level and then include extra CSS to arrange .level-left and .level-right.

.level.is-mobile {
  flex-direction: column;

Choice 2

Alternatively, use the .is-flex-mobile modifier on level-right, and incorporate more CSS code to modify the justify-content property:

.level-right.is-flex-mobile {
  justify-content: center;

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