What is the best way to hide the background of an extension's HTML?

Currently, I am working on developing a Chrome extension for a university project. However, I am facing challenges in making the background or body of the extension's HTML completely transparent to achieve a cleaner interface. The issue specifically lies with the white corners on the background.

Below is the code snippet of the extension:

// Define variables
// Code...
    // CSS styling for the body element
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang = "en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Music Player</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" type="text/css">
    <div class="music-container">
        <div class="music-content">
            // HTML content for music player UI

// Manifest.json
    // Manifest information

This is how the extension looks:

Answer №1

Maybe this solution will work for you. Since the background is appearing due to the iframe, try embedding a player using an <object> or <video> tag.

<object width={ width } height={ height }>
  <video src={ playlists['mylist'].JSON[index].source } type="video/webp" width="100%" height="333" objectFit="cover" />

Next step would be fetching a JSON playlist. For enhanced features like search and user-created playlists management, consider utilizing Google's Data API. It may seem tricky at first but it's worth the effort.

Below are some code samples: https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/playlists/list?apix=true

If you already have playlists set up in the player, you can fetch data separately and create your own JSON arrays. Even manual creation is simple and quick with a mining snippet. The advantage here is the ability to dynamically generate custom playlists beyond YouTube.

You can have three players preload previous and next videos for smoother transitions (consider adding a fade effect). I might have some code snippets for this setup if you're interested in pursuing it.

Happy coding! :)

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