What is the best way to hide an entire div when content is deleted?

Within a div, I am incorporating this specific class:

.successful {
        width: 100%;
        background-color: #c2f5b2;
        border: solid 1px #89bc79;
        color: #29ac00;
        padding: .5% 1%;
        margin: 1% 0;
        display: block;

The structure of the div is as follows:

<div class="successful"></div>

Even after removing the content within the div, it still displays a green area. My intention is for the entire div to disappear when there is no content inside. I attempted using display=table within the class which worked in Firefox but not in Chrome. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Consider using the :empty selector:

   display: none;

Answer №2

Apply the


attribute once you have removed it.

Answer №3

Implement jQuery to hide or display a certain div upon deletion activity.


Alternatively, you can achieve the same result by using the following code:

$('element triggering deletion action').click(function() {



Answer №4

To tackle this issue, you have the option of employing either javascript or jQuery.

Allow me to showcase an instance utilizing jQuery:

$('.successful').on('keydown', function() {
 if($(this).text().length == 0) {

Answer №5

Implementing Jquery


Optimally, consider utilizing "#id" for the div instead of ".class"

Answer №6

There are numerous methods to accomplish this task. I have outlined two options in the provided reference: jsfiddle - complete code!

<div class="accomplished">TEST</div>

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