What is the best way to format each <li> element onto a separate line?

Creating a review section for an item on my website required me to organize the reviews and comments. I utilized the following code structure:

 Comment code
 Comment code

Within the li items, there are nested divs. Everything looks good now that I have set up the comments section as desired.

The issue I am facing is that the comments (li items) appear in line with each other. I attempted to address this with the following CSS:

.review_bottom li{
    list-style: none;
    display: block;

However, this did not result in the desired change. Using br tags could solve the problem, but they may not work effectively across both PCs and phones. Any suggestions for resolving this?

Answer №1

To solve this issue, a line break should be added after each item in the list.

.review_bottom li {
  list-style: none;
.review_bottom li:after {
  content: "\A";
  white-space: pre;
<ul class="review_bottom">
    Add comment here
    Add comment here

Answer №2

To make your list display properly, be sure to assign your class to the list like this:

.review_bottom {
margin: 0;
padding :0;
list-style: none;

.review_bottom li {
float: left; 
display: inline-block;
<ul class="review_bottom">
Comment code
Comment code

Answer №3

 Add your comments here
 Add more comments as needed

This should cover all the necessary HTML code.

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