What is the best way to ensure the search box remains fixed in the top navigation bar while maintaining a fluid and responsive design?

I've been struggling as a novice programmer, and even with the help of more experienced programmers, we haven't been able to figure it out.

I'm trying to integrate a search box into the top navigation that adjusts responsively to different screen sizes. You can view some sample mockups here.

Currently, the search bar is not displaying correctly, and wrapping in an unwanted way on this page: link here.

Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

To get started:

Make sure to set the search bar itself (the div) to have a display value of inline-block. This will allow it to position correctly on the page.

Adjust the positioning of div.header-phoneicon by setting its right attribute to 350px.

Next, create space for the phone number by modifying the right property of div.header-phoneinfo in the CSS.

It's important to fine-tune the width and right properties to ensure that everything fits perfectly into place.

Answer №2

To ensure the element floats correctly on wider screens, a couple of media queries are necessary - following a "mobile first" approach.

.search {
     float: none;

@media (min-width: [tablet_width] ) {
  .phone {
     float: left;

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