How to set the default theme color for the mat-sidenav background in Angular 6 and 7?

Is there a way to make the background of a mat-sidenav match the theme color of my mat-toolbar?

In the file src\styles.scss, I have the following:

@import '~@angular/material/prebuilt-themes/indigo-pink.css';

The template / HTML file includes:

<mat-toolbar color="primary">
    <button mat-icon-button (click)="sidenav.toggle()">
    Title text

This displays an indigo menu bar with the menu icon and Title text. I now want a mat-sidenav below that (which will contain menu items) and I would like its background to match the color of the:

<mat-toolbar color="primary">

which is indigo according to the theme.

The code continues for rendering the mat-sidenav:

    <mat-sidenav #sidenav mode="side" opened>
        <app-vertical-menu></app-vertical-menu>  // renders the menu items
        <div class="app-main-area">

However, the background and colors of the mat-sidenav don't reflect the applied theme, appearing blank instead.

I am aware that I can manually style the mat-sidenav background within the component by adding a class name in the template - for example:

<mat-sidenav #sidenav2 mode="side" opened class="vertical-menu">

and then define the style in the scss file:

.vertical-menu {
    background-color: navy !important;

But what I really want is to apply the theme color from the default theme (e.g. indigo-pink.css) so that the background color of mat-sidenav matches the color scheme used for the toolbar.

Answer №1

To implement a unique look for your component, you will need to create a custom theme. Here is an overview of the process:

  1. Define your theme in a file named style.scss
  2. Create a separate file for your component theme, for example
    . In this file, focus on theming aspects like color and typography while keeping other styling details (sizing, positioning, etc.) in the main component stylesheet.
  3. Include and reference the component theme within the style.scss file

You can explore a sample application demonstrating these concepts on Stackblitz. Take note that both mat-sidenav and mat-toolbar share the same theme. Feel free to experiment by applying different colors such as primary, accent, or warn to these components.

For more in-depth resources on Angular Material Themes, check out Tomas Trajan's blog post and the official Angular team documentation on Theming Your Own Components.

Update: December 12th, 2019

I have written a series of articles providing detailed insights into working with Angular Material Themes on Medium. Explore them here: Create, Understand, and Apply theme.

Update: October 1st, 2020

An updated series of articles delving into Angular Material Theme customization is now available on Medium. Dive into the topics of Creating, Understanding, and Applying a theme.

Answer №2

Although this may not be the preferred solution for you (or me), I went ahead and created a new class in my styles.css file that matches the primary color of the indigo-pink theme.

.primary-background { background-color: #3f51b5; }

Here's how I applied it to my mat-sidenav element:

<mat-sidenav class="primary-background"...

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