What is the best way to ensure that two divs have aligned bottom edges?

I have a set of div containers positioned in different columns within a grid layout. I am looking for a way to identify the containers where the bottom edge is less than 50px higher than any other container, and adjust their heights so they align perfectly at the bottom.

You can view an example in this fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/YFURR/

In the provided demonstration, I aim to pinpoint the instances where box1 and box4 are within 50px of each other at the bottom, and subsequently increase the height of box4 to ensure it seamlessly "snaps" to the bottom edge of box1. The same adjustment would apply to box2 and box5.

If you have any suggestions or solutions, please share them!

Answer №1

I'm a bit uncertain about the exact details of your request, but using css min-height could potentially address your needs.

your_unique_identifier {

Answer №2

To achieve a height of 100%, simply set the CSS property to height:100%;

.mydivs { display:block; height:100%; }

It is important to ensure that the container element also has a specified height in order for the 100% height to work correctly.

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