What is the best way to enable a DOM element's height to be resized?

I have a widget displayed in the corner of my browser that I would like to make resizable by dragging the header upwards to increase its height. The widget's position remains fixed with its bottom, left, and right properties unchanged, but I need the top property to adjust so that the widget can expand up to the maximum height defined by its CSS.

While jQueryUI offers a resizable behavior, I am unable to use it for this particular project. However, we do have jQuery at our disposal. Are there any examples or suggestions for achieving this functionality without jQueryUI? Any tips, ideas, or JSFiddle demos would be greatly appreciated to help me get started in the right direction. I explored CSS3 resizable options, but they only show the standard resizing icon in the bottom right corner, similar to a textarea.

Answer №1

Have you considered trying out this particular plugin for the task at hand?

Answer №2

If you're looking to achieve this using only jQuery, one possible approach could be like the following:

<div id="custom-block">
    <h3 id="block-header">Custom Header</h3>
    Insert your content here

<script type="text/javascript">
    var startPos = 0;
    var position = null;
    var resizeInitiated = false;

    $(function () {
            .mousedown(function (event) {
                startPos = event.pageY;
                position = $("#custom-block").offset();
                resizeInitiated = true;
            .mousemove(function (event) {
                if (resizeInitiated) {

                    // calculate changes in Y position
                    var diffY = event.pageY - startPos;
                    position.top += diffY;

                    // animate the adjustments
                    $("#custom-block").offset({ top: position.top, left: position.left });
                    $("#custom-block").height($("#custom-block").height() - diffY);

                    // update new positions
                    startPos = event.pageY;
            .mouseup(function (event) { resizeInitiated = false; })
            .mouseout(function(event) { resizeInitiated = false; });


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