What is the best way to eliminate the alert message "autoprefixer: Greetings, time traveler. We are now in the era of CSS without prefixes" in Angular 11?

I am currently working with Angular version 11 and I have encountered a warning message that states:

Module Warning (from ./node_modules/postcss-loader/dist/cjs.js): Warning

"autoprefixer: Greetings, time traveler. We are now in the era of prefix-less CSS, where Autoprefixer is no longer necessary for your stylesheet."

Could someone kindly advise on how to get rid of this warning as it is quite bothersome.

Answer №1

To resolve the issue, delete both the node_modules directory and the package-lock.json file. Afterward, execute the following commands: npm install Now, restart the local server by running: ng serve You should no longer encounter any warnings related to 'autoprefixer'.

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