What is the best way to dynamically pass props to the styles hook in Material UI?

Looking for a way to dynamically add background images to div elements? I'm currently iterating over an array of objects and returning divs, but I'm not sure how to set the background image based on the image URL in each object. Can anyone help me with this?

Below is the code snippet:

const useStyles = makeStyles({
div: (props) => ({
width: "100px",
height: 0,
paddingBottom: "100px",
backgroundImage: "how can I determine which image to display",

let arr = [
       { photo_url: "some url" },
       { photo_url: "some url" },
       { photo_url: "some url" },

function Test() {
   const classes = useStyles("how can I provide the image for each object here");
   return arr.map((obj) => <div className={classes.div}></div>);

Note: To keep it simple, I've used the style prop to handle dynamic styling and the className prop for generic styles shared by all divs.

Answer №1

Pass the array as an argument to useStyles function:

   const classes = useStyles(array);

Within the makeStyles function, access the array:

  const useStyles = makeStyles(array=>{
    let divStyles={} 

// Generate dynamic styles based on the index of the .div class:

      divStyles[`&:nth-child(${index+1})`]={ // considering the zero-based indexing
        width: "100px",
        height: 0,
        paddingBottom: "100px",
        backgroundImage: bgUrl,
  return {div:divStyles}

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