What is the best way to dynamically change the color of my component depending on the prop passed to it?

I am facing an issue with the color of my component changing based on the value of the prop 'level'. Despite using states to set the backgroundColor, all components end up having the same color due to the state being altered for every comment. I have attempted to use both references and states to resolve this problem, but so far, the code continues to function in the same manner. Any assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

function CommentMargin({level}) {

const [marginColorState, setMarginColorState] = useState(colors.lightPurple);
const marginColor = useRef(null);

useEffect(() =>
        switch (level) {
            case 1:
            case 2:

            case 3:

            case 4:




return (
    <View style={styles(marginColor).container}>



export default CommentMargin;
const styles = (marginColor) => StyleSheet.create({
        backgroundColor: marginColor.current,

Answer №1

To simplify the component, it's best to remove the state, useEffect, and ref.

Instead of complicating things, set the background color based on the value of level using a regular function like this:

const getBackgroundColor = () =>{
        switch (level) {
          case 1:
            return colors.lightPurple
          case 2:
            return colors.crimson
          case 3:
           return colors.orange
          case 4:
            return colors.yellow

const styles = () => StyleSheet.create({
        backgroundColor: getBackgroundColor(),

Answer №2

When utilizing the second parameter of useEffect, you have the ability to specify when it should execute (typically, it runs on every update by default). Based on your code, it seems that passing level as the second argument is what you intend to do so that useEffect only triggers when level changes.

To implement useEffect with a second argument, follow this format:

         useEffect(() => {
              //state value is accessed here and therefore needs to be included as a dependency
         }, [state])

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