What is the best way to dynamically apply classes to various elements with jquery or javascript based on the current day of the week?

Let's say I have 4 divs, each with specific day/days when a class needs to be added. For example:

<code><div class="on-17 on-18"></div>
<div class="on-20"></div>
<div class="on-21"></div>
<div class="on-22"></div>

I want to add the "active" class to the first div if today is the 17th or 18th of the current month. Any suggestions? It doesn't necessarily need to involve extracting "on-17" to get the number 17, it can be done manually by checking for certain 'on#' values, such as 17, 18, 20, 21, 22.

For instance, if today were March 17, 2015, it would trigger the addition of the active class to

<div class="on-17 on-18"></div>
resulting in
<div class="on-17 on-18 active"></div>

Answer №1

Using plain Javascript instead of jQuery to determine the current date can be a simple and effective approach.

var today = new Date();

if(today.getDate() === 17) {

A more dynamic way to apply the class active to the current day's div:

var today = new Date();
var dayOfMonth = today.getDate();

$('on-' + dayOfMonth).addClass('active');

If you prefer having different styled classes for each day based on its number:

var today = new Date();
var dayOfMonth = today.getDate();

$('on-' + dayOfMonth).addClass('active-' + dayOfMonth); //For instance, this will add the class active-17 on the 17th day of each month

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