What is the best way to display the letter X (Clear) in the Chrome INPUT field with the type

A custom application was developed that utilizes an input field of the number type:

<input type="number" min="-1000000" max="1000000" step="0.01">

Within Internet Explorer, there is a small "clear" or [X] button on the right side of the input field. Users appreciate this feature as they often need to erase large numbers with a single click.

However, some users prefer using Chrome as their browser. In Chrome, the input field displays a "spinner" - an up/down arrow - which doesn't serve much purpose when dealing with such large numbers that don't require incremental changes.

Research led to information on how to hide the spinner in Chrome and suggested using a search input box to achieve the desired [X] functionality, albeit at the expense of losing native number type support.

No solution was found to implement a clear button in Chrome number input fields.

The current plan involves hiding the spinner through CSS and adding a custom clear button on the right side with JavaScript for text box clearing. Before proceeding, any alternative suggestions are welcome.

An alternative approach would be converting the text boxes to type search and manually implementing number validation logic with JavaScript, but this seems less favorable.

Any insights are appreciated!

Answer №1

For optimal performance in chrome:

input[type="search"] {
  -webkit-appearance: searchfield;
input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-cancel-button {
  -webkit-appearance: searchfield-cancel-button;

Answer №2

It appears that achieving this using only CSS may not be possible, as the inspecting shadow dom for the element does not show any related elements. However, JavaScript can always be utilized to accomplish this task.


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