What is the best way to differentiate between clicking on a LI (div) element and clicking on an A link?

How can I prevent users from being redirected to a link when clicking on the LI element itself?

Currently, when a user clicks on either the LI element or the link inside, they are taken to the linked page. What I want is for users to only be directed to the link if they specifically click on the link.

Do you have any suggestions on how to achieve this?

Thank you!

Answer №1

To improve the layout, transfer any existing padding from the a tag to the li instead. Placing padding on the a element causes its clickable area to extend over the li. To correct this issue, set the padding of the a to padding: 0; (or change it to display: inline;, as suggested by another solution). Next, apply the appropriate padding to the li. Ensure that the background color is defined for either the li or a containing element.

Answer №2

Using CSS, you have the ability to require a double-click in order to follow a link within an li or any other element. Here's what you need:

  1. <a> enclosed in an element with the tabindex attribute set.
  2. pointer-events set to none on <a>
  3. reset pointer-events to normal once the wrapper has focus or has been clicked.

DEMO showcasing submenu The basic HTML structure is as follows:

   <li tabindex="0">
       <a href="#"> link </a><!-- whatever else, sub items, ...-->

The basic CSS code looks like this:

a {pointer-events:none;}
li:focus a {pointer-events:auto;}

This approach works effectively if the browser recognizes the pointer-events rule.

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