What is the best way to design an HTML table that features alternating colors for each row and column?

I recently came across this image showcasing a beautifully designed table:


The current HTML code I have applies colors to every even line, including the year columns and subcolumns. Is there a way to assign unique mixed colors for the cells in year columns and even rows, as well as different mixed colors for the cells in year columns and odd rows, similar to what is shown in the image?

Manually setting colors for each column can be time-consuming, especially when dealing with pages containing over 200 rows. Is there an efficient CSS method to achieve this desired effect without having to specify individual colors?

                table {
                    font-family: arial, sans-serif;
                    border-collapse: collapse;

                .beta td {
                    text-align: center;

                TH.Title {
                    background-color: #A0E0A0

                tr:nth-child(even) {
                    background-color: #bbffcc;

                .Year2016 {
                    background-color: #ffff99

                .Year2017 {
                    background-color: #ccff99

                .Year2018 {
                    background-color: #ffff99
<TABLE class="beta" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="6" border="1">
            <TH class="Title" rowspan="2">code</TH>
            <TH class="Title" rowspan="2">Text</TH>
            <TH class="Title" rowspan="2">Text</TH>
            <TH class="Title" rowspan="2">Text</TH>
            <TH class="Title" rowspan="2">Text</TH>
            <th class="Year2016" colspan="2">2016 Items</th>
            <th class="Year2017" colspan="2">2017 items</th>
            <th class="Year2018" colspan="2">2018 Items</th>

        <TH class="Year2016">Item 1</TH>
        <TH class="Year2016">Item 2</TH>
        <TH class="Year2017">Item 1</TH>
        <TH class="Year2017">Item 2</TH>
        <TH class="Year2018">Item 1</TH>
        <TH class="Year2018">Item 2</TH>

Answer №1

The CSS already includes rules for styling odd and even child elements.

Visit this link for more information

To streamline your styling process, you can assign an ID to the table and apply styles from there. For example, if you have a <table id="beta">, you can write your CSS as follows:

#beta tr:nth-child(even) {color:limegreen;}
#beta tr:nth-child(odd) {color:lime;}

This code will make even rows appear in lime green and odd rows in lime color. The same concept can be applied to <td> elements as well. You can also refer to this example using lists from a Stack Overflow answer.

Answer №2

In my opinion, utilizing the <col> tag allows you to easily color an entire column.

For more information on the syntax, I recommend checking out this link:

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