What is the best way to delete a container when its child element includes a specific string?

I run a website that compiles video clips from various sources, including YouTube. Occasionally, some clips appear as private videos. I am looking to use jQuery to apply the display:none; property to the entire div when the class a.colorbox.cboxElement contains the text "Private video". How can I achieve this?

In the past, I have managed to add an extra class to individual div elements in order to remove them, but I am uncertain about how to handle nested elements:

$( "#div:contains('text')" ).addClass( "newclass" );

The HTML structure is as follows:

<li class="feed-item">
    <div class="thumbnail-excerpt wprss-feed-thumbnail sgvtagged">
        <div class="SGVthumb SGVthumb-0" data-title="SKateFlix" data-desc="The Amazing SkateFlix" data-type="yt" style="width:280px;height:210px;float:left;padding-right:px" data-media="SGVvideo" data-thumb="http://www.youtube.com/embed/2A7vCq8BmQQ" data-yid="2A7vCq8BmQQ" data-image="0" data-video="http://www.youtube.com/embed/2A7vCq8BmQQ?wmode=opaque&amp;autoplay=1&amp;rel=0"><img height="210" width="280" src="http://skateflix.se/wp-content/uploads/cache/remote/www-gstatic-com/3140846889.png"><img class="mpover" src="http://skateflix.se/wp-content/plugins/sgvideo/img/ytp.png" style="left:40px;top:40px"></div>
    <div class="source-date"><span class="feed-source">VANS </span></div>
    <a class="datum">onsdag, maj 6</a>
    <a class="colorbox cboxElement" href="http://www.youtube.com/embed/2A7vCq8BmQQ">Private video</a>
    <div class="colorboxexcerpt" href="http://www.youtube.com/embed/2A7vCq8BmQQ">...</div>

Answer №1

If you want to hide certain elements based on their content, you can use a combination of the :has and :contains selectors:

$( ".feed-item:has(a.cboxElement:contains('Private video'))" ).hide();

In this example, there is one Private video and one Public video included:

Check out the JSFiddle for a live demonstration: http://jsfiddle.net/TrueBlueAussie/7vramkem/

Answer №2

It seems like deleting the parent li of the anchor tag could be a solution.

$( "a.cboxElement:contains('text')" ).closest('.feed-item').hide();

See it in action here: Fiddle

Answer №3

        if($(this).find('.cboxElement').text() === "Restricted Access"){
            $(this).addClass( "customClass" );

Regardless of the timing or method for conducting the check, this conditional statement should effectively meet the requirements.

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