What is the best way to customize the default button style for buttons in Angular Datables?

After integrating buttons into my Angular Datatables, I noticed that they have default styling, which makes them stand out from the rest of my web page (refer to the Column Visibility button in the screenshot below):

I attempted to use CSS to make the buttons look like the Bootstrap buttons used elsewhere on the page, but my efforts were unsuccessful. Adding my CSS values to

button.dt-button, div.dt-button, a.dt-button {}
required using !important for every style override, which didn't feel like the right approach.

Additionally, including

in my page's <links> section did not produce the desired outcome either.

Is there a straightforward method to achieve this customization?

Answer №1

Previously, I used to eliminate any mention of the dt-button in my code. This particular element seemed to be causing all sorts of issues. It appears that dataTables introduced the dt-button as a way to style various tags into a uniform button look, which clashed with bootstrap. To ensure that the dataTables buttons matched the rest of the Bootstrap 3 layout, I decided to add bootstrap classes to the className:

   { extend: 'pdf', 
     className: 'btn btn-sm btn-primary' 

I also made sure to remove any references to dt-button in the initComplete section:

.withOption('initComplete', function() {

This approach guarantees that the buttons appear exactly as intended in pure Bootstrap styling without any additional modifications. While I acknowledge that this may not be the most conventional method, as there should ideally exist a seamless integration between withBootstrap() and withButtons(), I personally have not found a successful combination despite utilizing different package versions obtained through CLI rather than manual configurations.


In my opinion, the .net packages are somewhat overshadowed by options such as dataTables download builder, CDN, and GitHub. They do not seem to be completely aligned in terms of functionality.

Answer №2

To make the necessary adjustments in my case, I included:

display: inline;

In the CSS of the elements on the left that are floating above. In my situation (using jQuery / Rails / Bootstrap), I was adding Buttons and facing issues with the Bootstrap theme affecting its appearance.

You can also customize the default CSS classes on the elements for better results:


For example, in CoffeeScript notation:

$ ->

  locations = $('#locations').dataTable
    dom: 'Bfrtip'
      url: $('#locations').data('source')
      type: 'GET'
    order: [[ 3, 'desc' ], [ 2, 'desc' ]]
    processing: true
    serverSide: false
    responsive: false
          className: 'btn-group'
          className: 'btn btn-primary btn-outline'

This modification removes the dt-buttons and dt-button classes, allowing the base Bootstrap CSS to function correctly.

<div class="btn-group">
  <a class="btn btn-primary btn-outline buttons-copy buttons-html5" tabindex="0" aria-controls="locations" href="#">
  <a class="btn btn-primary btn-outline buttons-pdf buttons-html5" tabindex="0" aria-controls="locations" href="#">

As a result, the Bootstrap buttons display as intended.

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