What is the best way to create extra space around elements without causing them to disappear off

Looking for a solution to add padding or margin to the right column of a two-column layout without pushing the content off screen? In my example, I've indicated where I would like the extra space to be with an arrow. When I try adding margin or padding to the red div, it ends up pushing the entire div off the screen to the right. Is there a recommended method to achieve this without causing displacement? Perhaps using a wrapper div or some other technique? Your help is greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

To tackle the issue at hand, it has been emphasized by others that deducting the padding value from the width of elements is crucial due to the impact of the box model. The calculation for element sizing within user agents takes padding into account.

With CSS3 introducing the box-sizing attribute, you can override the default box model rendering and specify that the padding should be included within the element itself, fully respecting the set width and height:

/*Property without vendor prefixes*/

For further insight, refer to this article:

You can also consult the specification for more details:

border-box The specified width and height (along with min/max properties) of the element define its border box. This means any padding or border specified on the element will be contained within the specified width and height. The content's actual width and height are determined by subtracting the border and padding widths from the declared 'width' and 'height' properties. Since content dimensions cannot be negative ([CSS21], section 10.2), calculations are rounded down to 0.

Answer №2

Without access to the code, my advice is limited...

To prevent content from overflowing off the screen, ensure that the combined width of all elements - including margin and padding - does not exceed 100% or your desired maximum pixel width. It's recommended to aim for even less when using a mix of pixels and percentages.

Consider this basic example:

<div id="left"></div>

<div id="right"></div>

    border:1px solid red;

    border:1px solid red;


Answer №3

When setting your div element with a width of 100px and adding padding-right:20px, the total width becomes 120px. Remember to subtract the padding value from the overall width when utilizing padding on the left or right side.

Answer №4

Does this meet your needs?

Example Link

You can adjust the space between the left and right divs by modifying the 'margin-left' attribute in the right div's class (increasing margin will create more white space).

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