jQuery: Select the parent element of a focused form input and apply styling

Recently, I encountered a situation where I have a form containing a DIV along with 3 INPUTS, each enclosed within a LABEL element. My goal is to alter the background image of the DIV whenever an INPUT receives focus.

Due to limitations in navigating up the DOM using CSS, I'm seeking advice on writing a few lines of jQuery code to achieve this effect. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

$('div input').focus(function(){

To apply a particular visual style, define a new CSS class and update "customStyle" accordingly.

Answer №2

$('input').on('focus', function(){
}).on('blur', function(){

Answer №3

For those looking for an alternative, jQuery closest can also be used.

closest( selector )
    .closest( selector )
    .closest( selector, [ context ] )
closest( selectors, [ context ] )
    .closest( selectors, [ context ] )

As explained in the documentation, closest retrieves the nearest ancestor element that matches the specified selector, starting from the current element and moving upwards in the DOM hierarchy.


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