What is the best way to create an Information Box that slides out from the right of a link when hovered over?

I am looking for some code to create an interactive feature on my website. Essentially, when a user hovers over a link in my navigation bar, I want a small box to slide out to the right of the link providing more information about it. If feasible, I would like the other links to also move to the right along with the box, but if that's not achievable, a box that simply covers the links is acceptable too. I hope this explanation makes sense and I appreciate any guidance you can offer me. Thank you!

Answer №1

If you're searching for guidance on implementing tooltips using jQuery, check out this helpful thread. Alternatively, you can simply utilize the title property to display a tooltip. No JavaScript is required; just set the title attribute.


Keep in mind that the appearance of the tooltip may vary based on the user's browser or operating system. Despite this variability, using the title attribute is the correct and accessible way to create tooltips.

Take a look at this jsfiddle.

If you require additional tooltip functionality, consider incorporating jQuery. Reference: Tooltip for HTML content

Answer №2

Check out this solution that fits your needs perfectly:

Take a look at the blue contact button located on the left side.

Alternatively, you can also try this option:

Click on the demos, then navigate to the second section under effects title, second link down.

I hope this information proves helpful to you.

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