What is the best way to create an animation that highlights button content?

I am looking to add animation to my button, where the arrows change color from white to accent (border color) in sequence from left to right. There should be a delay of around 50ms before each arrow is highlighted.


<button className="submit-button" onClick={showButtonAnimation}>
  <span className={'span-button'}>{'>'}</span>
  <span className={'span-button'}>{'>'}</span>
  <span className={'span-button'}>{'>'}</span>
  <span className={'span-button'}>{'>'}</span>
  <span className={'span-button'}>{'>'}</span>

This code represents my button element...

Could you suggest how showButtonAnimation could be implemented?

Answer №1

const[startAnimation, setStartAnimation] = useState(false);

<button className={startAnimation ? "submit-button animate" : "submit-button"} onClick={() => setStartAnimation(true)}>
  <span className={'span-button span1'}>{'>'}</span>
  <span className={'span-button span2'}>{'>'}</span>
  <span className={'span-button span3'}>{'>'}</span>

You can get some inspiration for the CSS from this link: https://codepen.io/TotallyCurious/pen/RJOawN

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