Tips for choosing the default tab on Bootstrap

I have a question about an issue I am facing with my Angular Bootstrap UI implementation.

Here is the code snippet:

<div class="container" ng-controller='sCtrl'>
    <tabset id='tabs'>
        <tab heading="Title1">
        <tab heading="Title2" active ="true">
        <tab heading="Title3">

The problem arises whenever I add active='true' to a tab, resulting in the following error:

TypeError: undefined is not a function
    at Object.fn (
    at h.$digest (
    at h.$apply (
    at g (
    at C (
    at XMLHttpRequest.y.onreadystatechange ( 

Despite trying to adjust the jQuery loading order, the error persists. Can anyone provide guidance on resolving this issue? Many thanks!

Answer №1

Simply put, the answer lies in your question itself - when you set active to true either through code or in the HTML, it triggers the selection of a tab. There are two different approaches to creating tabs:

  • Static Tabs:

    <tabset id="tabs">
      <tab heading="Title1"></tab>
      <tab heading="Title2" active="true"></tab>
      <tab heading="Title3"></tab>

    By setting active="true" here, the tab becomes the default active tab.

  • Dynamic Tabs:


    <tabset id="tabs2">
      <tab ng-repeat="tab in tabs" heading="{{tab.title}}" active=""></tab>


      $scope.tabs = [
        {"title": "Dynamic 1", "active": false},
        {"title": "Dynamic 2", "active": true},
        {"title": "Dynamic 3", "active": false}];

To see these concepts in action, take a look at this plunker:

Answer №2

Ensure that the tab's active property is assigned to a variable rather than a constant. This instructs the second tab to maintain its activity state.

It is important to note that active cannot be an expression. It appears that there might be potential changes to how the active function operates. For further information, refer to this github issue.

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