What is the best way to create a scrollable Material UI modal and dialog?

Having a problem with my mui modal where the top content is getting cut off and I can't scroll up. I've tried adding the {overflow:"scroll"} property to the modal but it's not working. Here's the code snippet I'm currently using:

    onClose={() => handleCreateSegmentModal(false)}
    <div style={{overflow:"scroll"}}>
        modalControl={(value) => handleCreateSegmentModal(value)}



Any thoughts on how this issue can be fixed?

Answer №1

Consider placing your Modal content inside a Box element instead of a div, and applying the overflow: scroll to that specific Box - example provided below:

    onClose={() => handleCreateSegmentModal(false)}
        <Box className="modalBox" sx={{position: "absolute", overflowY: "scroll", maxHeight: "90%"}}>

           modalControl={(value) => handleCreateSegmentModal(value)}

Answer №2

I encountered a similar issue with the Modal component in Material UI. In addition to the suggestions provided by others, I implemented the following solution. It's worth noting that I also have a styles-in-js configuration to ensure the modal appears in the center of the window. This was done using MUI 5.8.x with React. Here is my approach:

import { Modal, Box, ... } from '@mui/material';

const formStyle = {
    // Adjusting positioning for larger height viewports - centered
    position: 'absolute', 
    top: '50%',
    left: '50%',
    transform: 'translate(-50%, -50%)',
    // Other relevant styles...
    width: '52%',
    maxWidth: '600px',
    minWidth: '270px',
    boxShadow: 24,
    py: 4,
    borderRadius: 3,
    zIndex: 100,
    // Media query at the maximum desired height (in my case, just before cutoff) - set top to '0' and adjust y-coordinate accordingly
    '@media(max-height: 890px)': {
        top: '0',
        transform: 'translate(-50%, 0%)'

const MyCustomModal = () => {
  return (
      // Enable scroll overflow for the modal
      <Modal sx={{overflowY: 'scroll'}} disableScrollLock={false} ... >
        // Inner div (MUI Box) styled as a 'form' using the defined style
        <Box sx={formStyle} component="form" ... >

export default MyCustomModal;

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