What is the best way to create a number input field that also accepts text input?

The goal I have in mind is to create an input field that will contain text like "100%", "54vh", or "32px".

I am attempting to utilize the number input's up and down arrows, while still allowing the user to edit the text. However, it should only allow additions if it recognizes a %, vh, or px symbol in front of the number.

|  54px  | ^  |
|        | v  |

Answer №1

If you try adding strings to number inputs, they won't register the value correctly. A good workaround is to use a <select> tag for units and then combine the two values using either JavaScript or PHP. Here's an example:

<input type="number" name="value" value="">
 <select class="" name="unit">
   <option value="">%</option>
   <option value="">px</option>
   <option value="">vh</option>

Additionally, it's best practice not to allow special characters like % or / in input fields. It's safer to handle inputs this way.

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