What is the best way to conceal a portion of a child element that exceeds the size of its parent container?

My <div> contains a <p>, but sometimes the text in the <p> exceeds the boundaries of the div.

<div style="width: 100px'; height='100px';">
  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vehicula consequat tortor, a posuere mi tristique vel. Suspendisse vitae interdum nunc. Vivamus in suscipit arcu, vitae placerat leo. Nulla placerat elit in justo pellentesque, at tincidunt dolor facilisis. Pellentesque maximus leo a nisi varius tempus. Etiam nulla nulla, tempus eget accumsan nec, tincidunt pulvinar erat. Cras massa orci, finibus nec neque auctor, faucibus maximus felis. Sed ac nulla sit amet lacus auctor fringilla. Sed ultricies risus leo, a pulvinar mi posuere vel. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur ultrices est      risus, sed blandit turpis lobortis ac.

JsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/fksdq1b0/

Is there an easy way to ensure that the <p> content doesn't overflow beyond the limits of the div?

Answer №1

To hide any overflow, add overflow: hidden; to the CSS for the div.

div {
    width: 100px;
    height: 100px;
    border: 1px solid black;
    overflow: hidden;

Check out the demo here

Here is an example using scroll.

overflow: scroll;

See the demo with scroll option here

And here is an example using auto.

overflow: auto;

This demo has a box with potential overflowing content

This demo does not have overflowing content

If you want to learn more about how overflow property works, you can visit this link


This is the default value. Content is not clipped and may be rendered outside the content box.


The content is clipped and scrollbars are provided in desktop browsers, even if there is no content exceeding the box.


Display of scrollbars depends on the user agent. Desktop browsers like Firefox will show scrollbars if content overflows.

Information sourced from developer.mozilla.org

Answer №2

To ensure that the user can still view the content, consider using overflow:auto. Check out this live DEMO to see it in action.

    width: 100px;
    max-height: 100px;
    overflow:auto;/**if not use  overflow:hidden*/
    border: 1px solid black;

Answer №3

Like mentioned by others, you can use


If you prefer not to completely hide the content, you have the option to scroll it. Just use


This will provide both horizontal and vertical scroll bars, even if they are not necessary.

To only enable horizontal scrolling, use


Or for vertical scrolling use


I haven't included a JSFiddle link since there are already several available. For more information on CSS overflow, check out these resources:

Answer №4

To handle content that exceeds the boundaries of a parent div, you have several options. One method is to use overflow:hidden, which hides any overflowing content. Another option is to utilize overflow-x: scroll for horizontal scrolling or overflow-y:scroll; for vertical scrolling. Be cautious when using overflow:hidden as it can cause hidden text to become inaccessible.

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