My <div>
contains a <p>
, but sometimes the text in the <p>
exceeds the boundaries of the div.
<div style="width: 100px'; height='100px';">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vehicula consequat tortor, a posuere mi tristique vel. Suspendisse vitae interdum nunc. Vivamus in suscipit arcu, vitae placerat leo. Nulla placerat elit in justo pellentesque, at tincidunt dolor facilisis. Pellentesque maximus leo a nisi varius tempus. Etiam nulla nulla, tempus eget accumsan nec, tincidunt pulvinar erat. Cras massa orci, finibus nec neque auctor, faucibus maximus felis. Sed ac nulla sit amet lacus auctor fringilla. Sed ultricies risus leo, a pulvinar mi posuere vel. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur ultrices est risus, sed blandit turpis lobortis ac.
Is there an easy way to ensure that the <p>
content doesn't overflow beyond the limits of the div?