Adjusting content within a div using a loop with a pause interval

I am working on a project where I need to manipulate the content of a div. Here is the initial code snippet:

    <div class="mytext">first</div>

My goal is to dynamically change this text from 'first' to 'second' after 5 seconds, then to 'third' after another 5 seconds, and finally return to 'first'. Can you offer any assistance or guidance in achieving this functionality?

Answer №1

If you wish to cycle through an array of text or add more elements for display, you can utilize the following code snippet. Make sure to use setInterval to trigger the function every 5 seconds

var text = ['first', 'second', 'third'];
function rotateText(){
  var myText = document.getElementById('mytext');
  var currentIndex = text.indexOf(myText.innerHTML);
  myText.innerHTML = text[(currentIndex+1)%text.length];

<div id="mytext">first</div>

Answer №2

To activate a method using setInterval(), simply create the method and then invoke it within the body.

    var messages = ["message one", "message two", "message three"];

    function displayMessage(currentIndex) 
        if( currentIndex == messages.length ) currentIndex = 0;

        document.getElementById("text").innerHTML = messages[currentIndex];            

        setInterval(function(){ displayMessage(currentIndex+1) }, 5000);

<body onload="displayMessage(0)">
    <div id="text"></div>

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