What is the best way to center this image horizontally within its variable-sized parent container?

I am currently working on a webpage that has a responsive design.

The page features a list of products, with the product listing adjusting in size as the page width changes.

My goal is to center the product image within its container, ensuring that the image fits the width and size of the container while always remaining centered within the .product

<div class='product'>
  <div class="image_wrapper">
    <a href="/products/1">
      <img scr="http://awesome.image.com/1.jpg">

Due to the responsiveness of the page, the dimensions of the content can vary.

I would appreciate any advice on how to achieve this.


To further illustrate the issue, I have created a fiddle: When the screen size shrinks, the image should remain centered, with the tower maintaining its position at the center. The black shading on the sides should disappear if the image exceeds the container's width.


Answer №1

Check out this solution, my friend!

.product {
    width: auto;
    margin: auto;
#image_wrapper {
    width: 100%;
    display: table;

Implement the above CSS changes and then eliminate the image tag from your HTML and CSS files. :)

Answer №2

Have you attempted utilizing

.image_wrapper img{

Hopefully this solution proves beneficial to your situation.

Answer №3

If you want your image_wrapper div to look just right, be sure to apply the following CSS:

.image-wrapper {
    display: table;
    width: 100%;

To ensure that your img element is perfectly centered, use this code snippet:

img {
    display: table-cell;
    text-align: center;
    vertical-align: middle;

For more detailed information on how to center elements both horizontally and vertically, check out this helpful blog post.

Answer №4

Consider this illustration: [http://jsfiddle.net/9X6zD/2/][x]

In order for the parent to work properly, it should have position:relative, while the element should have margin:auto; and display: block;

[view demo][1]

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