What is the best way to center the startIcon material ui icon?

I'm having trouble keeping the icon button centered on my page. When I add left: "0.5rem" to the sx prop, it ends up pushing the button icon even further away from center. I'd prefer not to use makeStyles to manually override the position. Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)

Check out the sandbox link for reference

Answer №1

If you'd like to incorporate this into your theme, follow these steps to streamline the process and eliminate the need to repeat it for each Button component.

const customizedTheme = createTheme({
  components: {
    MuiButton: {
      styleOverrides: {
        startIcon: {
          margin: '0'

Answer №2

If you're looking to experiment with a new style, consider the following:

<CustomLayout direction="row" design={{display:"flex", justifyContent:"center", alignItems:"center"}}>
  <Tooltip title="Delete">
    <Button sx={{ minWidth: 0 }} startIcon={<DeleteIcon />} />
  <Divider orientation="vertical" flexItem />
  <Tooltip title="Send">
    <Button sx={{ minWidth: 0 }} startIcon={<SendIcon />} />
  <Tooltip title="Headset">
    <Button sx={{ minWidth: 0 }} startIcon={<HeadsetMicOutlined />} />
  <Divider orientation="vertical" flexItem />

Answer №3

Customize your styles

elements: {
    CustomButton: {
      customStyles: {
        startIcon: ({ userTheme }) => ({
            ? {}
            : {
                // center icon when no label is present (e.g for mobile)
                marginRight: 0,

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