What is the best way to automatically format the layers generated by a looping query in my program?

This scenario resembles the process of creating alternating colored table rows, but instead of dealing with table rows and their colors, we are working with divs and margins.

The code below creates layers based on the genres retrieved from a query. For instance, if the query returns three genres, then three layers will be created. Within each genre layer, sub-layers are generated for each title within that genre. So, if there are five titles in a genre, there will be three layers related to genres and each of these will contain five layers corresponding to titles.

<cfoutput query="MyQuery" group="genreName">
    <div class="Genres">
            <div class="Titles">

Furthermore, all layers within each class act as duplicates. However, this layout might not work well for cases where left/right margins should not be applied to the first/last columns in a column-based design.

Is there a way to dynamically assign margins to layers based on their position (record number) and apply conditional formatting? Specifically, setting left and right margins for middle columns while excluding them from the first and last columns?

Thank you,

Answer №1

If you want to maintain a consistent margin between elements without any margins before the first or after the last one, you can utilize the first-child pseudo-class to customize the styling:

has_margin { margin-left: 20px; }
column_container:first-child { margin-left: 0px; }

<div class="column_container">
     <div class="has_margin">...</div>
     <div class="has_margin">...</div>
     <div class="has_margin">...</div>
     <div class="has_margin">...</div>
     <div class="has_margin">...</div>

CSS3 introduces a 'structural pseudo selector' that enables you to target every an+b'th child of an element. By setting 'a' to the number of class clones, you can establish specific styling rules for each layer.

Answer №2

To create a unique layout, you can define three distinct classes: left (no left margin), middle (both margins), and right (no right margin) according to your requirements.

Additionally, you should maintain a counter either within the genre loop or title loop, based on the column level, and utilize the modulus operator to allocate the appropriate class.

<cfset titleCount = 1> <!--- reset the title count --->
   <cfswitch expression="#titleCount MOD 3#">
      <cfcase value="1"><cfset titleClass = "titleleft"></cfcase>
      <cfcase value="2"><cfset titleClass = "titlemiddle"></cfcase>
      <cfcase value="3"><cfset titleClass = "titleright"></cfcase>
      <cfdefaultcase><cfset titleClass = ""><!--- this block is unreachable ---></cfdefaultcase>
   <div class="#titleClass#">
   <cfset titleCount = titleCount + 1>

It's essential to maintain your own counter as MyQuery.currentRow may not accurately indicate the position in the current layer.

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