What happens when a browser can support multiple versions of a font - which one does it choose

If I have two versions of a font, customFont1.woff2 and customFont1.woff, and I list the woff2 version first followed by the woff version in the font declaration file, what happens when the browser supports both formats? Will it download both fonts or just the woff2 version? Does it prioritize downloading woff2 to avoid FOIT (Flash of Invisible Text), or does it still download both to determine the best format?

Answer №1

As mentioned on https://drafts.csswg.org/css-fonts-3/#descdef-src:

This specific descriptor indicates the resource that contains font data. It is a mandatory requirement for the @font-face rule to be considered valid. The value is a prioritized list of external references or locally-installed font face names separated by commas. When a font is required, the user agent looks through the list of references provided and activates the first one that it can successfully use.

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