What is the best way to apply a datepicker to all textboxes with a specific class using jQuery?

I have enclosed multiple fields within div elements in order to specify them with a datepicker for a better user experience.

For example:

<div class="need-date" >
<label>Appointment Date</label>
    <input id="id_appointment_date" type="text"></input>

To add a datepicker to the text box within this specific div, you can use the following script:

$(function() {
        dateFormat: 'mm-dd-yy',
        changeYear: 'true',
        changeMonth: 'true',
        startDate: '08-24-2014',
        firstDay: 1,
        onSelect: function()

            var dateObject = $(this).datepicker('getDate'); 



How can I modify this code to apply a datepicker to the text box wrapped in a specific div?

Answer №1

If you're looking to accomplish this task, here is one way to do it:

 $('.required-date #id_birth_date').datepicker({

Alternatively, if you prefer not to use the id attribute:

 $('.required-date input:text').datepicker({

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