What is the best way to align the progress bar near the element that initiated the task?

I am currently working on a dynamic website with jQuery, utilizing AJAX operations extensively. Whenever an AJAX operation is initiated, a progress bar is displayed in the center of the webpage.

However, I am facing an issue where visitors find it cumbersome to track the progress bar located far away from the clicked element. They have to constantly shift their focus between the element and the progress bar, which can be quite distracting.

What would be the optimal way to position the progress bar near the triggering element?

My initial approach was to set up a handler that executes when the next AJAX request kicks off, like this...

$(document).on('ajaxStart', ()=>{
  $('#parentOfBar').append("<div id=progressBarElem style='display:none;position:absolute;top:50%;left:50%;padding:2px;' ></div>");
  $('#progressBarElem').html('A moment, please wait...');
  $('#progressBarElem').progressbar({value: false});

Upon launching an AJAX operation, the progress bar emerges at the center of the screen as planned using CSS. However, I aim for it to be displayed next to the element that triggers the AJAX operation, for instance, by clicking it.

I recently discovered that instead of appending the div element, which then becomes the progress bar as a child of a fixed element, I can resolve this by making it a sibling of the active element and removing its position CSS attribute as shown below...

$(document).on('ajaxStart', ()=>{
    $focusedElem = $( document.activeElement ) //the currently focused element
    $focusedElem.parent().append("<div id=progressBarElem style='display:none;top:50%;left:50%;padding:2px;' ></div>");
    $('#progressBarElem').html('A moment, please wait...');
    $('#progressBarElem').progressbar({value: false});

By implementing this adjustment, the progress bar now appears alongside the triggering element. However, this method may disrupt the layout of neighboring elements when the progress bar manifests.

Do you think this is the most effective solution, or is there a more efficient approach to identify the element that initiated the AJAX request without solely relying on the focused element?

Answer №1

If you want to position a progress bar around an element, you'll need to utilize the click event function. This allows you to specify what action should be taken when the element is clicked. By setting the position of the progress bar relative to the element that was clicked, you can achieve the desired effect. You can achieve this by making adjustments inside the click function using the $(this) keyword to reference the current element's position.

Check out this code snippet that demonstrates progress bar repositioning:

  // Event listener for the click event on the example element
  $('#example-element').click(function(event) {
    // Display the progress bar
    // Capture the position of the clicked element
    var elementPos = $(this).offset();
    var elementWidth = $(this).outerWidth();
    var elementHeight = $(this).outerHeight();
    // Calculate the new position for the progress bar
    var progressBarLeft = elementPos.left + (elementWidth / 2) - ($('#progress-bar').outerWidth() / 2);
    var progressBarTop = elementPos.top + (elementHeight / 2) - ($('#progress-bar').outerHeight() / 2);
    // Reposition the progress bar
      left: progressBarLeft,
      top: progressBarTop

Once the AJAX functionality is complete, you can return the progress bar to its original position.

Hopefully, this explanation is helpful to you!

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