What is the best way to align buttons side by side in Laravel 6.0 with the help of bootstrap? I attempted to do so but they end up appearing one above the other

I experimented with this approach to get them side by side

  • Below is the CSS I attempted using form-inline and display:inline, but neither worked as expected

Button Code:

                    <div class="container ">
                       <a href="/miembros/{{$item->id_miembro}}/correos" class="btn btn-dark btn-sm">View</a>
                       <a href="/correos/create" class="btn btn-dark btn-sm">Add</a>

Here's my custom CSS code:

          body {
                padding-top: 56px;
          background-image: url("/fondoevento.jpg");
          background-size: cover;

  color: #141519;
  text-align: center;

      nav.navbar {
            background: #141519;
            background: linear-gradient(to right, #424448, #B7BCCD);
          font-size: 16px;
            margin-top: 10px;
            text-align: center;
            display: inline;

Answer №1

Give this a shot, simply include the btn-inline class within your div element.

<td width="20%"> // feel free to modify the width
   <div class="container btn-inline">

Update your css file with the following code.

.btn-inline a{ display: inline-block; }

Answer №2

To achieve the desired horizontal layout, consider utilizing a flex display...

If using bootstrap, you can attain this by incorporating the d-flex class on the parent element...

    <div class="d-flex">
        <a href="/miembros/{{$item->id_miembro}}/correos" class="btn btn-dark btn-sm">View</a>
        <a href="/correos/create" class="btn btn-dark btn-sm">Add</a>

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