What is the best way to adjust the sizes of two images within the same class to your liking?

My class called cbImage has a fixed CSS for all images.

.cbImage img {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;


However, I don't want all images to have the same width and height.

Is there a way to change the width and height of different images as needed?

For example, one image in a panel:

<div class="cbImage w3">

<div class="panel">

<div class="form">

<div class="login">Recent badges</div>

<span class="fa-stack fa-5x has-badge" data-count="6">

<div class="badgesize">

<img src="images/7.png" width=100, height=100 alt="">




And another image:

  <div class="cbImage active signin agileits">

<form >

<figure class="snip1336">
  <img src="images\44.jpg" alt="sample87" />
    <img src="images\ownpic.jpg" alt="profile-sample4" class="profile" />

Both classes have the name cbImage, causing the size to be fixed.

I need the images of both classes to have different sizes.

However, changing the name and adjusting the width and height is not a viable option due to other existing CSS.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Here is one method to achieve it.

    <img class="sample_class">
    <img class="sample_class" style="width:50px;height:50px;">

Notice that when style is present, it takes precedence over the class attribute.

Answer №2

Give this a shot.

// main container
  <img class="example_image" src="image_path">
  <img class="example_image" src="image_path" style="width:yourimagewidth; height:yourimageheight;">


Utilize inline-css to style one of the images. The inline-css property will take precedence over the external CSS.

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