What is the best way to adjust the mobile menu in Wordpress so that it takes up half of the screen width?

Encountering an issue after installing the "Mobile Navigation" Wordpress Plugin to implement a mobile menu on my custom theme that currently occupies 100% of the screen width. How can I adjust it to occupy only 50% of the screen width, as shown in the concept below?


Here is the CSS for the mobile menu:

.mn-navigation-wrap.mn-dark [class*="icono-"] {
  color: #000; }
/* Rest of the provided CSS code here */

For more information, please visit my development URL

Answer №1

If you want to enhance your CSS skills, consider using Google Chrome to inspect elements and experiment with styling on your own. The following code snippet addresses some basic issues that can be easily resolved. Make sure to insert the code below into your stylesheet at the end.

There are a few things to fix here. Firstly, remove the red background applied to the HTML element. Then, adjust the width property to your desired percentage value.

@media only screen and (max-width: 700px){
      background: none;

       width: 50%; 

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