What is the best way to adjust the maximum width of Reddit's embedded comment iframe?

Reddit provides a code that can be embedded to display their comments on a website,

As an example:

<div class="reddit-embed" data-embed-media="www.redditmedia.com" data-embed-parent="false" data-embed-live="false" data-embed-uuid="24a3e666-f855-4664-8e9e-9d040fef3ca6" data-embed-created="2016-06-29T16:56:02.732Z">
  <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/comments/2safxv/we_should_start_keeping_giraffes_a_secret_from/cno7zic">Comment</a> from discussion <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/comments/2safxv/we_should_start_keeping_giraffes_a_secret_from/">We should start keeping giraffes a secret from young children. Imagine discovering giraffes exist when you were like 15. &quot;Woah! Check out that long necked horse!&quot;</a>.
<script async src="https://www.redditstatic.com/comment-embed.js"></script>

When pasted into HTML, it will render as an iframe with content.

The max-width property of this iframe is initially set to 800px. How would I go about changing it to a different value or even none?


Answer №1

When you need to override an inline style that you cannot access directly, it is necessary to use !important. This should only be used in extreme cases (otherwise, avoid it).

iframe {
  max-width: none !important
<div class="reddit-embed" data-embed-media="www.redditmedia.com" data-embed-parent="false" data-embed-live="false" data-embed-uuid="24a3e666-f855-4664-8e9e-9d040fef3ca6" data-embed-created="2016-06-29T16:56:02.732Z"><a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/comments/2safxv/we_should_start_keeping_giraffes_a_secret_from/cno7zic">Comment</a> from discussion <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/comments/2safxv/we_should_start_keeping_giraffes_a_secret_from/">We should start keeping giraffes a secret from young children. Imagine discovering giraffes exist when you were like 15. &quot;Woah! Check out that long necked horse!&quot;</a>.</div>
async src="https://www.redditstatic.com/comment-embed.js"></script>

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