What is the best way to adjust the maxHeight within AccordionDetails and enable scrolling functionality?

I am looking to display a large amount of data using the Accordion component from material-ui nested inside a Box element. However, I am unsure how to customize the default styles in order to set a specific maxHeight. Is there a way for me to take control of the styling so that only a select number of movies are displayed when the dropdown is clicked?

Check out the sandbox example here

Answer №1

To customize the height of this element, add the following CSS style to your stylesheet and adjust the height value as needed:

.MuiAccordionDetails-root {
  max-height: 300px;
  overflow-y: scroll;

For a live example, check out this codesandbox link.

Answer №2

My solution was generated in a sandbox environment.Link. I utilized the sx property and overflow-y to enable scrolling within the component.

Answer №3

To get the outcome I wanted, I utilized the sx prop. See the code snippet below:

<AccordionDetails sx={{ display: 'flex', maxHeight: "50vh",overflowY: "scroll"}}

Here is how it will appear

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