What is the best way to add CSS to email addresses that are hidden by the WordPress antispambot feature?

My current method involves utilizing the WordPress antispambot code from their Code Reference:


While the code is functional, I am interested in customizing the appearance of the email addresses that it generates. I aim to apply a specific style to obfuscated email addresses located in the footer, and a different style to those within the body of a page.

My attempt involved incorporating a title attribute in the <a> tag within the code snippet below:

function wpcodex_hide_email_shortcode( $atts, $content = null ) {
    if ( ! is_email( $content ) ) {

    return '<a href="mailto:' . antispambot( $content ) . '" title="encrypted-email">' . antispambot( 
    $content ) . '</a>';
add_shortcode( 'email', 'wpcodex_hide_email_shortcode' );

Subsequently, I attempted to style the email addresses using the CSS provided below:


    color: #4472e6 !important;
    text-decoration: none !important;

    text-decoration: underline !important;


.fusion-footer-widget-area .custom-html-widget a[title="encrypted-email"]{
    color: #ff0000;
    text-decoration: none !important;

.fusion-footer-widget-area .custom-html-widget a[title="encrypted-email"]:hover{
    color: #e4d06f;

However, this approach resulted in all encrypted emails, including those in the footer, adopting the 'General' styles.

I am now contemplating whether this method is the most effective way to implement distinct CSS styles for encrypted emails in varying sections of the page, such as body text versus footer content.

Additionally, I am uncertain if my CSS implementation is correct.


The HTML generated corresponds to the following structure:

<ul style="list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 0;">
    <li style="font-size: 16px; margin-bottom: 0px;"><a 

Answer №1

1. Your issue stems from the utilization of !important in your CSS declarations. By applying this to your

rules, they will take precedence over the more targeted "footer" rules.

To ensure your footer rules take priority, the ideal solution is to eliminate !important from the primary

- Employing !important is generally discouraged due to the complications it can cause, such as this scenario.

If removing it is not feasible, you must utilize !important on all more specific rules to counteract the !important styling. (Provided the rules align with your actual HTML elements), the following adjustments should suffice:


.fusion-footer-widget-area .custom-html-widget a[title="encrypted-email"]{
    color:#ff0000 !important;

.fusion-footer-widget-area .custom-html-widget a[title="encrypted-email"]:hover{
    color:#e4d06f !important;
  • Note - the !important for text decoration is unnecessary since it doesn't diverge from the style rule it's overriding.

2. Additionally, you inquired about the appropriate approach for setting up the CSS rules for this. Yes, configuring them in this manner is correct - this exemplifies the cascading aspect of CSS. To modify the style, simply leverage a more precise selector, for instance, instead of "encrypted email links," specify "encrypted email links in the footer widget."


.fusion-footer-widget-area .custom-html-widget a[title="encrypted-email"]
typically suffices for your footer emails (assuming other rules don't utilize !important) as it boasts greater specificity (provided the email addresses are within an element with the class .custom-html-widget nested within an element with the class .fusion-footer-widget-area, naturally!)

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