What is the best way to activate a component's function within a disabled tab using material-ui?

Currently, I am utilizing tabs from M-ui and encountered an issue when trying to incorporate a switch as one of the tabs. I made the tab non-clickable, but now the switch inside it is also not functioning.

Below is the code snippet:


Answer №1

It appears that clicking on a disabled element, as well as its children, is not possible; one way to work around this issue is by disregarding the target tab when setting an active tab.

By utilizing the newValue parameter in the handleChange function, we can determine if the event originated from the tab we wish to remain inactive upon being clicked.

const handleChange = (event, newValue) => {
  if (newValue === "4") return; // value is 4? ignore

Now, when clicking on the specified tab below, it will not be selected. Additionally, we can prevent the ripple effect from displaying when clicked by passing true to the disableRipple prop.

      onChange={(e) => setSwitch(!isSwitchOn)}


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