What is the best way to access the display property of a DOM element?

    <style type="text/css">
        a {
            display: none;
        <p id="p"> a paragraph </p>
        <a href="http://www.google.com" id="a">google</a>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var a = (document.getElementById('a')).style;
        var p = (document.getElementById('p')).style;
        p.display = 'none';

The initial alerts display empty strings, but after setting the display property intentionally, it finally displays "none". This might be confusing to some users who expect different results. If you want to correctly retrieve the display property, make sure to use the appropriate methods in JavaScript. Thank you.

Answer №1

The .style.* properties directly correspond to the style attribute, not the actual applied style. For that, it's advisable to use getComputedStyle.

I strongly suggest toggling the .className and completely separating the presentation from the logic in your code.

Answer №2

To retrieve the computed value of the display property for a specific element, you can use the following approach. It's important to note that while most browsers support window.getComputedStyle(), Internet Explorer requires accessing the element's currentStyle property:

var targetElement = document.getElementById('example');
var styleObject;

if (typeof window.getComputedStyle !== "undefined") {
    styleObject = window.getComputedStyle(targetElement, null);
} else if (targetElement.currentStyle !== "undefined") {
    styleObject = targetElement.currentStyle;

if (styleObject) {

Answer №3

If you're looking to fetch computed style in your JavaScript code, utilizing a library like jQuery can be quite advantageous. With the css() method from jQuery, you can easily access computed style properties...


This method is particularly useful as it automatically handles cross-browser compatibility by leveraging both the getComputedStyle method and the currentStyle object internally.

Answer №4

Utilizing jQuery, the .is method can be employed.

In order to verify if something is not visible, I typically utilize ... $('someSelector').is(':hidden') ...

This statement will yield false when the display property is designated as None.

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