What is the best way to access the CSS resources within the designated Area section of an MVC project?

I am experiencing difficulties accessing a CSS file located within the MVC AREA section.

Here is the direct path to the CSS file.

After attempting to troubleshoot with firebug, I received the following error message:

The stylesheet was not loaded because its MIME type, "text/html", is not "text/css".

Despite specifying the text/css type in the link attribute.

The way I reference the css file is as follows:

<link href="~/Areas/MVC/Resources/dist/css/custom.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

Even when using the absolute path, I have been unsuccessful in loading the CSS file.

While the above link opens correctly in a browser and displays the CSS content, it fails to load in the application. Interestingly, the javascript resources and images within the same folder are being fetched successfully using the same path, except for the CSS.

Answer №1

To improve the styling of your website, consider including the css file in your main html document. Additionally, if you have a user login system, make sure to link the css file in the html page that does not require user credentials.

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