What is the best method for swapping out a div's background image based on the current results being shown?

Currently, I have an application that displays a list of venues as partials, with each venue belonging to a specific area. Users can filter the venues by their respective areas. My goal is to design a split-screen layout where the left side shows the venue partials and the right side features a 'hand-drawn' map. The challenge I'm facing is how to change the image displayed in the map based on the venues being shown.

I envision the default view to be a zoomed-out map showing all areas. However, if all the displayed venues share the same area_id number, I want the map image to switch to a detailed, zoomed-in view of that particular area.

This would work something like this:

If all venues being displayed have area_id = 1, show this specific area image.
If the area_id is 2, display a different area image.
Otherwise, show a separate zoomed-out image.

In the end, my goal is to assign each venue its own icon on the map using absolute positioning within the map div.

With only about 2 months of programming experience, I believe I may need to utilize JavaScript or jQuery (neither of which I am familiar with) for this task. Any guidance or advice on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

Assign the area codes to your elements as classes and configure background images using CSS for each class.

<div class="area_id_1"></div>


.area_id_1 {

Answer №2

To customize the location of venue icons on a map, I utilized jQuery within the venue partial html.erb file:

<script type="text/javascript>
  document.getElementById("venue_map_icon_<%= venue.id %>").style.left= "<%= venue.iconleftpx %>px";
  document.getElementById("venue_map_icon_<%= venue.id %>").style.top= "<%= venue.icontoppx %>px";

By incorporating integer fields iconleftpx and icontoppx into the venue table, I was able to dynamically set the positioning of the icons using absolute positioning through the jQuery code.

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