What is the best method for obtaining the li-Element in "Angular2 for TypeScript" (beta) so that I can apply a particular CSS class to it?

In my Angular2 application, I am working on creating a search functionality similar to Google's search where the results are displayed in a box. While I have successfully implemented this feature and it is functioning properly, one issue remains. When using the "key down" or "key up" keys after performing a search, the search results in the result box do not highlight like they do in Google.

Here is my current code:

<input type="search" class="form-control">

// resultbox
     <li *ngFor="#item of items">{{ item.text }}</li>

Please note that "items" represents the list of search results, which is displaying correctly. Now, I am looking for a way to dynamically highlight the specific <li> element that corresponds to the user's selection when navigating through the search results using the keyboard arrow keys.

My initial idea involves using an index counter to mark the selected <li> element with a unique class (e.g., "searchIndex") to change its color. However, I am unsure about how to implement this. Do you have a solution for achieving this highlighting effect? Alternatively, if you have a better suggestion for handling this scenario, I would appreciate your input.

I am hopeful that someone can provide guidance on this matter.

Answer №1

<input (keyup)="selectedItem--" (keydown)="selectedItem++">

     <li *ngFor="#item of items; #i=index" [class.selected]="i == selectedItem">{{ item.text }}</li>

You may want to implement some additional logic for when selectedItem < 0 or selectedItem >= numResult. Consider using an event handler function instead of the inline --/++ operators for better control. Hope this helps.

Update (in response to a question from the comments)

I have a quick question: Is there a way to remove the "selected" CSS property when hovering over the list? I'd like it to behave similar to Google where keyboard navigation selects an item, but hovering with the mouse removes the selection and activates hover style instead.

   <ul (mouseover)="isMouseover=true"
     <li *ngFor="#item of items; #i=index" 
         [class.selected]="i == selectedItem && !isMouseover">{{ item.text }}</li>

Don't forget to add this field to your component:

isMouseover: boolean = false;

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