What is the best method for eliminating underscores from text that is hyperlinked in a locally hosted HTML file?

I recently encountered an issue with my HTML file where the text "Indian" became underlined after saving the file. Here is the code snippet:

<a href="file:///G:\work files\project\indian.html" target="_blank">
   <div class="button-1">

My inquiry is: are there any specific CSS or HTML tags or rules that can be used to remove this underline?

I have ensured that the <div> element is nested within the <a> tag, so I am puzzled by why the text inside the <div> is being underlined.

Answer №1

To change the appearance of your links, you will need to utilize CSS. Create a selector for "a" and set the text-decoration property to none:


    div a {
      text-decoration: none;

  <h1>PAGE CONTENT</h1>
      <a href="#">Link here</a>


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