Tips for adjusting image size to take up only half of the screen in NextJS

Struggling to resize an image to fit only 50% of the screen in NextJS? The Image component provided by NextJS comes with its own inline styling, making it tricky to customize. Currently, I attempt to style the image by wrapping the Image component in a span element, but achieving the desired 50% screen fit is proving challenging.


<div className='pagewrapper'>
  <section className='authpages_section'>
    <span className='authpages_heroimg'>
      <Image src='/assets/hero.png' alt='an hero img' />
  <section className='authpages_section'>
   <Logo />

.pagewrapper {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: row;
  flex-wrap: wrap;

  .authpages {
     &_section {
       flex-basis: 50%;
       height: 100vh;

     &_heroimg {
       display: inline-flex;

Take a look at this visual representation for reference:

visual representation

Answer №1

Is it possible to implement the following changes?

  • Adjust the width of .authpages_section to 50%
  • Add a new class to the Image element and set its maximum width to 100%

Update: In order to achieve your desired outcome, please remove the layout="fill" property, resulting in the component appearing as follows:

   alt="an hero img"

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