What is the best method for assigning real-life units, such as centimeters or millimeters, to a dimension

Is there a way to set the height of an img in millimeters, regardless of the device being used?

Currently, setting the CSS rule height: 10mm; actually translates to height: 37.8px, as explained in this link: http://css-tricks.com/the-lengths-of-css/

If pure CSS cannot achieve this, I am open to jQuery or any other solution. Please provide some guidance.

Thank you for any assistance!

If my question is unclear, what I have attempted includes using responsive CSS and media queries, which did not yield the desired outcome. You can view the page where I tested this here:

I also tried emulating mobile devices with this tool:

Despite being labeled as responsive design, it seems more like anti-responsive design :)

Answer №1

After finding the solution to this question: How to convert pixels to millimeters?

You can easily calculate either mm to px or vice versa by determining the size of a div with millimeter dimensions.

<div id="mm" style="height:1mm;display:none"></div>

Then, use the following code:

var pxPerMM = $('#mm').height();

I hope this information proves helpful.


If you are wondering how to assign a measurement in millimeters using jQuery, you can accomplish this with the css() function. For instance: https://jsfiddle.net/yusrilmaulidanraji/Lyzr2ju1/


  border: 1px solid black;

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="millimeter-size">


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