What is the best approach to display a fluctuating price depending on specific options chosen in Next.js?

When working with 2 different select tags and rendering images based on the selection, I also want to display a price determined by the options chosen. For instance, selecting "Your Current Division" as Iron and "Your Desire League" as Bronze/Silver/Gold should trigger a price change. Currently, I am using hard-coded if statements to determine the selected options.

<div className="text-gray-500 mt-7">
  <select name="divisions" onChange={slbz2} id="listt" className="bg-gray-200 pr-14 pl-2 py-2">
    <option value="ironn">Iron</option>
    <option value="bronze">Bronze</option>
    <option value="silverr">Silver</option>
    <option value="goldd">Gold</option>
    <option value="platt">Platinum</option>
    <option value="diaa">Diamond</option>
<div className="mt-5">
  <select name="divisions" onChange={slbz2} id="tierr" className="bg-gray-200 pr-12 pl-2 py-2">
    <option value="44">Division IV</option>
    <option value="33">Division III</option>
    <option value="22">Division II</option>
    <option value="11">Division I</option>

and some conditions

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Answer №1

If you find yourself in these situations, the useEffect() function can be incredibly beneficial.
Check out -> ReactJS Documentation

Let's say we have state1 representing "Your Current Division" as a state variable.
and state2 representing "Your Desire League".

Be sure to include state1 and state2 in the dependency array of useEffect.

useEffect(() => {
    // Adjust your final state accordingly
}, [state1, state2]);

Update 1: Based on the details in your conditions screenshot, it appears you are not utilizing useState Please see Documentation.

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