Having trouble with JQuery Draggable in FireFox only working in an iFrame? Learn how to set the ViewPort to fix

Having trouble with jQuery UI Draggable in FireFox 33.0.2: I followed the example code, but it doesn't seem to be working. The scripts are running, CSS classes are added, event bindings are in place, but dragging won't work.

I noticed that when I embed the page in an iFrame, it works perfectly. Could this be a Viewport issue?


Their demo page outside the iFrame isn't functioning properly: http://jqueryui.com/resources/demos/draggable/default.html


However, placing the same page inside an iFrame does the trick:

    style="height: 400px;width: 400px;"

I've attempted wrapping it in a large div with relative positioning and setting meta viewpoint but no luck. Interestingly, Chrome seems to handle it fine.

Answer №1

The issue appeared to be related to FireFox version 33.0.2. The slider feature was also malfunctioning. After upgrading to version 33.0.3, everything is functioning properly now.

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