What is the best approach for implementing a CSS reset across multiple websites with different content?

As I work on a page that will be displayed across numerous websites beyond my control, shown within a jQuery UI dialog window using $.load(), the content is vulnerable to the CSS directives set by each individual site. To prevent conflicts, I have made sure to prefix all of my id and class names with our company name.

However, it is not uncommon for the custom CSS of a website owner to clash with my design, causing issues like:

p { margin: 1000000px; }

This can complicate things. While I can address some problems specifically like so:

#myUniqueContainer p { margin: 5px; }

This approach does not account for every potential issue that might arise. So, I am wondering if there exists an effective method to reset the CSS for just my content without impacting the overall styling of their page. Perhaps something similar to in combination with uniformly utilizing #myUniqueContainer as a prefix could solve this dilemma.

Answer №1

It seems like a great idea to group elements together and apply the same properties to those groups. It will be much easier if all the elements in your container have the same margins and padding. To start, you can set all the margins, paddings, etc. as follows:

div #mySpecialContainer * {margin:0; padding:0}

After that, you can easily set the desired properties for all the elements within your #myUniqueContainer ID.

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